
How to Add More Play to Your Daily Routine

Jan 23, 2024

While we know play has significant health and mood benefits, finding time for play in our busy schedules can be challenging. However, there are some simple ways to incorporate more play into your daily routine without disrupting productivity or work-life balance.

When we think of play, we often associate it with children, but play is not just for kids. Adults need playtime too! Engaging in physical activities such as sports, dancing, or simply taking a walk can help maintain a healthy body. Meanwhile, intellectual or creative play such as solving puzzles, painting, or playing music can stimulate our minds and improve our mood.

Adding more playtime to our schedules may seem like a daunting task, but it's achievable with a few simple adjustments. First, try to incorporate play into your daily routine. This could mean taking a short walk during your lunch break or dedicating a few minutes each day to a creative hobby.

Here are some tips for incorporating more play into your routine:

Tips for Adding More Physical Play to Your Daily Routine

Engage in Physical Play

Take quick movement breaks throughout the day to release endorphins and boost energy levels. Do some light exercise like walking around the block, gentle yoga stretches, or dancing to music. Even just 5-10 minutes of activity a few times a day can make a big difference in your health and mood.

Stimulate Your Mind

Play doesn’t have to be physical. Engage in creative or intellectual activities that stimulate your mind like doing a crossword or Sudoku, learning to play an instrument, reading fiction books, or engaging in lively debates with friends or family. Make time for your hobbies and passions to give your mind a productive break from routine.

Add Play to Your Commute

If you have a long commute, use that time for play. Listen to interesting podcasts, audio books or music that uplifts your mood. Call a friend or family member to chat. Do simple car exercises like shoulder rolls or neck stretches. A playful commute will make the time pass more quickly and you'll arrive at your destination energized.

Plan Engaging Weekends

Make time on the weekends for play by planning recreational activities with friends or family like going to see a movie, visiting a museum, hiking at a local nature preserve or just trying a new restaurant. Engaging in new experiences on your days off will recharge your mind and body for the week ahead.

The key to adding more play to your daily routine is making it a priority and scheduling time for play just like you would any other important activity. Start with just 10-15 minutes a day of play and work your way up as you find activities you genuinely enjoy. Your improved health and mood will make the effort worthwhile.

Tips for Adding More Cognitive Play to Your Daily Routine

Leave a puzzle within reach. Keep a jigsaw, sudoku, or crossword puzzle book within easy reach so you can work on it whenever you have a few spare minutes. Doing a bit here and there throughout the day is an easy way to keep your mind active without a big time commitment.

Work crossword puzzles. Crossword puzzles are a fun way to challenge your brain. Start with easier puzzles and work your way up to more difficult ones as your skills improve. Crosswords give you an opportunity to learn new words and facts while stretching your problem-solving abilities.

Become a Jeopardy fan. The TV show Jeopardy is a great way to boost your cognitive abilities in an enjoyable way. Play along at home by trying to answer the questions before the contestants. You'll expose yourself to new knowledge and strengthen your memory recall.

Read a good mystery. Curl up with an engaging mystery novel. As you read, try to figure out who committed the crime before the ending reveals all. Mysteries activate areas of the brain involved in problem-solving, memory, and logic. Reading in general also has significant benefits for lifelong cognitive health.

Staying mentally active and socially connected are two of the best ways to maintain a healthy brain as you age. Adding some cognitive play to your daily routine with puzzles, games, and books is an easy way to challenge your brain in an enjoyable, low-pressure way.

Tips for Adding More Creative Play to Your Daily Routine

Learn to love journaling. Journaling is a fantastic way to tap into your creativity and explore your thoughts and feelings. Set aside some time each day to write freely in your journal. Don't worry about grammar or spelling - just let your thoughts flow onto the page. You can also experiment with different journaling techniques, such as bullet journaling or art journaling, to make it even more engaging.

Take up an art activity. Engaging in art activities can be incredibly therapeutic and stimulating for your imagination. Whether it's painting, drawing, sculpting, or even coloring, find an art form that speaks to you and make it a regular part of your routine. You don't have to be an expert - the idea is to have fun and let your creativity run wild.

Watch YouTube. YouTube is a treasure trove of creative inspiration. From DIY projects to art tutorials, there's something for everyone. You can explore different channels that align with your interests and hobbies. Whether it's learning a new musical instrument, trying out new makeup techniques, or even mastering the art of origami, YouTube offers endless possibilities to spark your creativity

Get cooking. Cooking can be a wonderfully creative and satisfying activity. Experiment with new recipes, try your hand at baking, or even create your own unique dishes. Let your imagination guide you as you explore different flavors, textures, and presentation techniques. Not only will you get to indulge in delicious meals, but you'll also feel a sense of accomplishment as you unleash your inner chef.

Remember, adding more creative play to your daily routine is all about embracing your imagination and finding joy in the process. So, don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and explore new activities. Let your creativity soar and make each day a little more playful and inspiring!


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