
The Power of God Over Nature

Feb 25, 2021


Nature is one of the natural things in earth that people should be preserving as this helps our community. But do you know that Jesus also reveals his existence through nature? His miracles are an essential part of his ministry from the past and in the present day.

Believe First, So You Will Be Able To See

Most people tend to believe in something after they see or experience it. Many people still doubt the power of Jesus, even his existence. A lot of them required to prove something before they will actually believe. But for us Christians we know that Jesus exists and in his power. He never fails to manifest his greatness above all things.

At the end of this article, we will be able to realize how big and great is our God. The stories portraying his power over nature will be our fortress of inspiration as how God has dealt with multiple difficulties in His time.


There is a huge significance of His miracles to what has been happening in our world today and it is a solid evidence of God’s love for us. We have been flooded with different trials daily and we are drowning and thinking how are we are able to get back up.

God of All Gods

God has proven his great power through restoration of life, healing the sick and even saving someone from being possessed. But, He can also do miracles thru nature and it is one of the very interesting miracles he ever executed.

His power reveals countless happenings that can be seen through his creation, as he spent each day to bring order and beauty to our world, and now his power is shown here on earth as he commands nature to do its will.

There is no other better way to prove that Jesus is Lord than to witness his control over the physical realm. No one has ever done this.

Miracles Created by Nature

In this article, we’ll be discussing the miracles Jesus performed through nature. Just like the other miracles we have posted before.

Jesus choose to use his power in a positive way, Jesus didn't use his power over the physical realm to bring destruction or cause harm, he displayed his power for our good. He used his power with love and kindness to benefit the people around him and draw them to himself.

There are countless stories in the Bible that protest the act of God through nature, but we are going to narrow it down into three most talked about stories.

A Present of God to Newlyweds

The miracle of Jesus turning water into wine is one of the memorable miracles He has done. Jesus with his family and disciples were in the middle of the wedding feast, they ran out of wine.

Now if you have ever tried to organize a big event like a wedding feast, you will know how easy Mary the mother of Jesus noticed that and made a request to Jesus. 

Jesus responded, in  John 2:4 , Jesus then performed the miracle that most people knows pretty well. He told the servant to fill in with water the six stone jars, and take it to the master of the feast (the groom). When they took the water out, it had become wine.

In this story, John wants us to know that Jesus has already began to commence his miracles to manifest the greater glory. God is very compassionate to do this miracle in a big event. Also we can learn that all good things come from the Lord. Because when Jesus performed the miracle, it is not just an ordinary wine, He gave them the very best wine which was customary given at the beginning of the feast.

It also represents that Jesus, can turn anything from evil to good.  In some ways when God the Father has taken us from our abusive past and changes us into something very good, because He wants us to transform into the image of his son, Jesus Christ our Saviour.

Read full story John 2:1-12


Keep Calm and Trust Jesus 

The story of the calming of the storm is very important to us Christians as it shows how in difficult times, God is able to bring peace. Today, Christians use the story as inspiration to help them to think about the problem in their lives, as the ‘storms’ that overtakes them. Even in terrifying and life-threatening situations God will be able to steer the wheel and take control of it.

At that time, it was a very busy Sabbath day for Jesus, as he teaches on the mountainside, heals the sick, and also performs exorcism to those who have been possessed. And when it time to leave, they got in a small boat and started their sail.

That evening, a very strong wind came, large waves that causes to fill the boat with water. His disciples started to panic and woke him up, ‘’Teacher, don’t you care if we drown? He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”

Immediately the words has been declared the wind stopped and the huge waves are gone. This has proved that Jesus is the Lord of all. As he just stood and commanded the storm to calm.

Jesus wants us to realize that there is nothing he cannot do to stop our own ‘storms’ in life, should he find that necessary. Even if he does appear to be asleep, our ‘boat’ is filling with water and seems about to sink, we must trust him to bring us to safety.

Read story here : Mark 4:37-41


Remember To Always Share Your Blessings

This story is also one of the most popular miracles Jesus has ever done in history. Imagine feeding a thousand of people with just a piece of bread and fish? How is that possible right?

Jesus has been able to prove people that He is indeed a powerful God. The people in town has followed him on foot, maybe to ask for healing or even wanted to ask for help to give them something to eat.

Apparently, his disciples came to him and said “This is a remote place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food.” And Jesus replied, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.”

His compassion is endless. He then commands his disciples to look for food and they have found a boy who has five loaves of bread and two fishes. Jesus then starting to distribute the food to the large crowd and all has been satisfied.

This is a gentle reminder to us Christians, that there is nothing too big for God. He is already enough for any if our expectations. He even uses other people to bless the other. Through this miracle we can ensure that Jesus truly loves us.

Read more here : Matthew 14:13-21

Jesus Will Always Be There

The great takeaway on these miracles is that faith is testing us by the stormy trials of our lives, that despite this trials Jesus is always there. He is always near us. We might feel that he abandoned us because we think why does he let these problems come into us, or why does he not answered back immediately, but believe it or not, God is doing something and that is to make your life for the better, we just have to trust Him whatever it takes.

He Will Always Make It Happen

Believe in the Lord, without a doubt and He shall manifest his miracles over you. If you are dreaming for a better life, even your already in you 40’s, trust and put your faith in him. He will make it happen. You have an long-term illness you wanted to be gone? God will make it happen. Whatever it may be, just out your trust on to God and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Something Big Will Come

Let us always remember that God is bigger than our problems. If you are in a rough patch and thinks that you are not able to deal with it, just say ''I have a BIG GOD and he will surely help me overcome this problem''.

This concludes our four part series.  If you missed the first three parts to this series you will find the links below:

Jesus and His Almighty Hands:  


Exorcism:  https://www.youministries.com/blog/biblicalexorcism

Restoration:  https://www.youministries.com/blog/restoration





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