
6 Ways to Be More Dependable

Oct 04, 2023

The ability to rely on others makes life easier, and it’s great to know you can depend  on someone else when you need support. In the same way, it’s important to be dependable. To be someone others can count on when they need assistance too. Of course, the most important person we depend upon is ourselves. If you can’t depend on yourself, you could be in trouble.

But being dependable is about more than just showing up on time or being there when you say you will. It’s about fulfilling your responsibilities with integrity and honesty—whether that means showing up for work on time or paying your bills on time. It also means being reliable in the sense that you keep up with things like maintaining your vehicle or making sure your home is safe and secure.

Becoming more dependable doesn’t have to mean taking on more responsibilities; it can simply mean learning how to do what you already do better! Here are some tips for doing just that:

Be an Early Bird

The old saying, "The early bird gets the worm," is a great illustration for the value of being on time.

Not only can running by the seat of your pants lead to being late, it can cause a domino effect of problems. Being late can make you less dependable and cause yourself and others unnecessary problems. And it's not just about being on time for appointments; being early also helps you to be better prepared for activities and events when you have more time to get things done.

Developing the habit of arriving early will reduce your stress levels, make you more prepared for activities, and help you become more dependable.

Close the Loops

If you're like most people, you probably have a lot of unanswered texts and unfinished conversations.

But what if I told you that closing communication loops can help you be more productive and avoid procrastination?

It's true! Closing communication loops is a great way to end the day on a high note. You'll feel less stressed because your to-do list will be shorter, and you'll be able to start fresh tomorrow with fewer projects hanging over your head.

So how do you do it? 

First is you can set aside time at the end of each day to respond to voice mails, texts, emails, or other communications that came in during the day. Make sure everything gets addressed before you go home for the night!

Second, If something can be completed within 24 hours, do it immediately rather than putting it off until later. This will save time in the long run and curb any feelings of guilt about not having finished something on time.

Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say- 

When it comes to dependability, you need to be true to your word. That means keeping your commitments and promises, no matter what. So when you say you're going to show up for something, do it—don't make excuses or back out at the last minute. And if you can't follow through on something that's important to someone else, let them know as soon as possible so they don't get their hopes up.

Being dependable is about more than just saying yes to things. It's about standing by your word and keeping your promises, no matter what.

When you commit to something, follow through with it. If you know you can't do something, don't commit to it in the first place. If there's a reason why you can't keep your word, tell the other person as soon as possible so they can find someone else who can help them out.

And if there's anything we've learned from our years of experience in this business, it's that saying no when we need to is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves—and our clients! So be sure to set healthy boundaries so that you aren't over-committed or under-delivering (or both).

Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

It's easy to let yourself and others down when you can't manage discomfort. In many ways, life is uncomfortable. From the physical pain created during a workout to the mental pain of dealing with difficult situations, bailing on a tough situation can lead to disappointment. Learn to embrace discomfort and persevere.

You're going to make mistakes and not live up to expectations. That's okay! You'll learn from them, grow from them, and come out stronger than ever before. So don't be afraid of taking risks—even if it means admitting you don't know something or failing at something. It's all part of the process of learning new things and growing as an individual!

Drop the Excuses

Excuses are like safety nets. They keep us from falling, but they also prevent us from taking flight.

If you want to get somewhere in life, you need to be willing to take risks and take action. You can’t just sit around waiting for something amazing to happen—you have to make it happen!

You can’t allow yourself to use excuses as an excuse for not doing what you need or want to do. If there’s always a good reason not to do something, there are also plenty of reasons why you should follow through. Don’t allow yourself to use excuses when you need to show up and deliver on your promises. Hold yourself accountable and leave the excuses at the door.

Boosting Your Accountability

Relying on yourself is the most empowering thing you can do, and it's a huge step towards being a dependable person.

When you're honest with yourself about your own potential, you give yourself the opportunity to be responsible for that potential—and that's where the magic happens.

When we rely on ourselves, we don't have to wait around for someone else to take care of us or make us feel good about ourselves. We can take responsibility for our own lives and make choices that make us feel good—and those choices will lead us to success!

And when we're successful, it feels great! It reminds us how important it is to follow through and how good it feels to rely on ourselves and for others to rely on us too.

Being more dependable is a journey. You don't have to be perfect at it overnight, and you don't have to be perfect at it at all. You can take small steps towards being more dependable and soon it will be completely normal to show up for yourself and others!


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