God Said it Would be Called Y-O-U...

When God gave me my first vision board with Y-O-U popping up on it...I was left waiting for Him to finish telling me what that exactly meant.  Well friends if you know God, you know He has a sense of humor and He left me waiting and seeking until all understanding was sought and revealed.  As you make your way through this website, hopefully you will see all the love for God throughout its pages...and Y-O-U means Yearning Optimistically Upward.  Intertwined throughout the theme is God and the 5 Essentials for Life; Faith, Focus, Fitness, Food and Friendship.  Enjoy the journey!

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Philippians 4:13

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Romans 12:2

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."

Ecclessiastes 3:9

"Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed."

Do You Need Prayers?

Send your prayer requests and we will pray for you along with other people in our church and community!

My Story

I'm so happy you're here! My name is Tammy, Founder of You Ministries and I'm a scoliosis/fusion survivor, a child of God, married to my stand by your side man, and a woman on a mission to help others! 

When I was a teenager I suffered from severe scoliosis.  For years and years I dove into athletics and health to escape the all scary spinal fusion surgery. And I would cry and pray to the Lord. 

And when the Almighty answered, I listened.  I became a fitness enthusiast.  Eventually I opened up my own gym, became a personal trainer and health coach.  I loved every minute of it and still do. 
Now, age has caught up and at the age 56 I needed the fusion surgery with no way out.  As I spoke to God about this and what I would do next...he replied in my dream Y...O...U...YOU!

As I was getting to the root of my issue, God kept pressing on my heart to work on me.  I followed through and had the first of a two part surgery on December 3, 2019 7 hours, the second part on December 5, 2019 17 hours.  Then it happened...I was in a coma for the next 6 days. 

During this time my husband and sister were by my side.  My sister knew that I needed to fulfill God's work by creating You Ministries.  Stephanie would talk to me about all the work I needed to do and all I remember is being cradled in God's hands.

Lying in the hospital bed for nearly 15 days, God kept reminding me about YOU.  As I started to recover, I began seeking the will of God and here we are today.  A clear vision, a clear mission and keeping my heart in tune with my Savior.  Guided by His will not mine, I hope that you find something on our site that speaks to you.  
Tammy XO

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With every purchase of this course, one Bible is bought for for the less fortunate. What you get is a valuable 30 day course on Forgiveness. The next 30 days will enrich your life! This course is designed to bring so much goodness and value to your life that you will want to invite your friends.

A Journey of a Lifetime
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Join Our Podcast Now!

We are in the process of looking for guests on our brand new upcoming podcast called "Almighty God and Gospel Girl".  We are looking for guests that are willing to share their faith testimony or miracle that God has performed in their life.  If you are interested please use the form below and send us a little about what you would like to share and we will be in touch.  God Bless you all.