A strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.

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Free Christian Development Book Club

Please join us in our private Facebook group to study and worship together.  You will be required to purchase your own book and workbook, we provide the videos and discussion questions all in our private Facebook group For the Love of God, Bibles, Books and Brains.

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Free Bible Studies

This is a Biblical based Bible study group led by God.  My sister and I pray and God provides what He wants us to present to the members.  We hold the studies in a private Facebook group, Girl, Read Your Bible, that is free to join.  You will be required to purchase your own book and if available we provide the video and discussion questions.  

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Temple Toners

Through Scripture we know that God values our bodies.  Our bodies are said to be a temple of the Holy Spirit, and we are called to take care of and honor God's temple. We offer a free support and challenge group that is full of easy steps to get your moving, great recipes and many other things posted by the members.  Please join us in our private Facebook group Temple Toners.

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LISTEN UP. This is ONE of my Testimonies, POWER OF PRAYER



Finding ways of being thankful is a great way to turn your life around. Being grateful comes directly from being thankful. If you can do that little step each day you just might find that key to abundant living. In this FREE 7 day mini challenge you will dive into finding those blessings you may be missing. I'm grateful your here! May this little mini be a blessing to your days to come.

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30 Days of Creative Content

New Theme Each Month

Enrichment for Your Life

God Centered Coaching

Part of Your Dues Buys a Bible Each Month You Remain a Member

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Would you like to start each and every week out with a Christian devotional that will help you get centered in Christ and enrich your life throughout the upcoming week?  Sign up today, it's totally FREE, and look for your blessings in your inbox right away.  We love to give...God Bless!

FREE Blessing my friends SIGN UP HERE

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