There is Only One Who is Worthy
Feb 23, 2023The Lord Jesus Christ is a Lion and a Lamb. As a lion refers to His second coming; the lamb character refers to His first coming. The lion is symbolic of His majesty; the lamb is symbolic of His meekness. As a lion He is a Sovereign; as a lamb He is a Savior. As a lion He is a Judge; as a lamb He is judged. The lion represents the government of God; the lamb represents the grace of God.
Hi everyone, I’m Tammy Becker. Welcome to the Almighty God & Gospel Girl Podcast. This is week nine into our series of Revelation and our podcast today is titled: Only One is Worthy. My podcast today will be based on the reading of Revelation 5. And if you would like to follow along with the notes or maybe you would like to find the links to anything mentioned in the podcast today, you can go to the link in the description or by visiting and visiting the corresponding page. As we get started today, I would like to remind you of my disclaimer, that as always…do not take my word, or anyone’s word for what you read…get yourself in the Bible and let God discern His Word to you. I am only human and make many mistakes and do not claim to know or understand everything in the Bible…I just hope by bringing out this study that your interest is sparked enough to get into God’s Word and begin to deep dive on your own.
If you’re going to heaven, you might want to know about it before you get there. The most important information is from the Lord Jesus Himself when He tells us He’ll be there ahead of us. If nothing else wonderful is said about heaven, this would be enough: We’re going to be with Him.
In Revelation 4, we saw that God’s throne is the center attraction. Now in Revelation 5, we see the Lion and the Lamb, representing Jesus Christ, are on the throne. He is both Sovereign of the universe and Savior of the world. He is completely in charge of all the events which follow in this Revelation. Let’s not ever lose sight of Him.
Revelation 5 begins with the conjunction “and,” linking it with chapter 4 where John said he heard Jesus’ voice. Now John tells us what he sees. At Jesus’ right hand, John said he saw a book closed tightly with seven seals.
Seven is not an accidental number. It’s significant not only because Roman law required a will to be sealed seven times, but also because seven is God’s number for completeness.
This book, rolled and sealed, is the title deed to the world in which we now live. He created it, He redeemed it, and it belongs to Him. (See also Daniel 7:13-14 and Zechariah 5:1-3.) Some think this scroll is the Ten Commandments, and that the world is to be judged by those commandments. Others suggest this book represents God’s new covenant with Israel mentioned in Jeremiah 31:31-33, “ … And I will be their God, and they shall be My people.” (See also Romans 11:26-27 and Hebrews 10:16-18.) We don’t really know what was written on this scroll except to say that it depends on the power of the throne of God, on the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, to open them up.
John tells us he saw a strong angel—a powerful one—call out in a voice like thunder, “Is there anyone who can open the scroll, who can break its seals?”
Who has the right to do this? Who has the power to make this covenant effective? For our entire history, mankind has thought we can solve our own problems. The Word of God makes it clear we can’t. No person could open this scroll. None of us has the right or the power to open the book and take charge of this earth. Many have tried. Adam lost dominion when he sinned. Moses was the lawgiver, but also a lawbreaker. David and his line failed. None of Adam’s line qualifies. No one measures up. The Ruler must be a Redeemer, the Sovereign must be a Savior of mankind, and Jesus Christ is the only One who qualifies. Stand aside, Adam, you can’t do it, and neither can any of your children. Satan is working at it, but he cannot do it either.
The question is: Who will do it?
John is really bothered by this. He had a holy affection and a sincere curiosity about looking into the things even angels weren’t allowed to see. John enters into the drama because he has come from earth and has seen what will transpire. Will sin and sorrow overwhelm us? Is there no future for the earth? Is no one competent to rule it? John is overwhelmed by the possibility that maybe no one is qualified to open the book and to take charge of this earth. And he weeps because he didn’t have the answer.
Then one of the 24 elders said to John, “Don’t weep. Look—the Lion from tribe of Judah, the root of David’s family line, He has conquered. He can open the scroll. He can rip through the seven seals.” Evidently, any one of the elders all had spiritual insight and could have answered and they all would have pointed to Jesus Christ. He is the only One who has the right and title to this earth. He not only redeemed us, but He also redeemed the earth. They identify all of His ministries that relate to the earth.
Jesus, as the “Lion of the tribe of Judah,” identifies Him with Israel (see Genesis 49:9-10); Jesus is also “the Root of David.” In 2 Samuel 7, that great chapter of God’s covenant with David, He says, “I am going to bring One in your line who shall rule, not only over these people, but over the whole earth.” The Lord Jesus Christ has the right to rule, as He is the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies about the future of the world. All of those prophecies will be fulfilled at Jesus’ second coming to the earth to establish His Kingdom.
Next, John tells us more of what he saw. There, between the throne (with the four living creatures) and with the elders, John said he saw a Lamb (Christ) standing, bearing scars and wounds as though it had been slain.
This lamb is standing before the throne and is ready to act as the righteous Judge. He is “a lamb”—literally, a little lamb in all its gentleness and willingness to be sacrificed. Jesus Christ was led as a lamb to the slaughter, and He didn’t open His mouth (see Isaiah 53:7). He’s the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (see John 1:29). This lamb had the wounds and scars of a violent death that speak of Jesus’ redemptive sacrifice, a substitute for us. Yet this lamb is standing. Jesus is no longer seated at the right hand of God but is moving now, moving to power. He is coming to this earth. The judgment of the Tribulation is about to strike the earth. The winds are blowing on the earth.
The Lamb has seven horns (complete power, omnipotent; see Daniel 7-8) and seven eyes (complete knowledge; omniscient), which are the seven Spirits of God who have been sent on duty into all the earth. Jesus moves in the fullness of the Spirit, who is the Spirit of wisdom and understanding.
The Lord Jesus Christ is a Lion and a Lamb. As a lion refers to His second coming; the lamb character refers to His first coming. The lion is symbolic of His majesty; the lamb is symbolic of His meekness. As a lion He is a Sovereign; as a lamb He is a Savior. As a lion He is a Judge; as a lamb He is judged. The lion represents the government of God; the lamb represents the grace of God.
John continues to tell us what the Lion/Lamb Jesus is doing. Jesus moves to the throne, takes the book, and now takes over through the Tribulation Period. He judges the world in righteousness before He reigns in righteousness. He is no longer the intercessor of the church, for the church is now with Him.
This “new song” they sing is about redemption. The old song we hear about in the book of Job is the song of creation. They sang about God as the Creator because they didn’t really know anything about His love. Now we can sing about our Savior who loves us and who gave Himself for us. What a beautiful picture!
He is “worthy”—meaning now Jesus Christ fills the entire horizon of praise and worship. Worship means “to return to worth,” that which belongs to Him; Jesus Christ is the only One worthy of praise. They sing of Jesus’ shed blood in heaven that redeems us. And not only us, the church, but they also praise the Lamb for those yet to be saved on the earth—the tribulation saints.
What a beautiful picture! And looking around, John said he heard the voice of many angels around the throne—so many he couldn’t count them. Ten thousands of ten thousands—God’s created intelligences were praising Him, all saying with one great voice, “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom, and strength and honor and glory and blessing” (v. 12).
Every created thing, every creature of God joins in this universal act of worship, both in heaven and earth. Evidently, the animals in the earth and the fish in the sea join in this volume of praise! They sing, “Blessing and honor and glory and power be to Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever” (v. 13).
And the four living creatures add their “Amen!” And the 24 elders fell down in silent adoration and praise of Jesus Christ who lives forever and ever.
If we could, we would sing the “Hallelujah Chorus,” for as we come to the end of this very remarkable scene in heaven, we see that all praise and honor and worship must go to the Lord Jesus Christ. If you are not in the habit of praising and worshiping Him, why don’t you start right now?
That’s it for today, join me next week as I tackle those four riders of the Apocalypse.
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