
Don’t Wait Until You’re Losing it to Take a Time-Out

Jun 27, 2023

You need a time-out.

Maybe you haven't had one in a while, and you're feeling stressed out. Or maybe you've been taking time-outs regularly, but you're still feeling frustrated by how much work is on your plate. Either way, we're here to tell you: it's time to take a break!

It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, but there's no doubt that taking a time-out can help us feel better—physically and mentally. And the great thing about taking a time-out is that there are no rules about how long to take one for: the best part is just knowing that it's okay to stop what you're doing and give yourself some space.

If you're like most people, you don't have time to take a time-out. But that doesn't mean taking one isn't important—it is!

When you're feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, exhausted, or anxious, it's important to take some time for yourself. But it's also important to avoid the need for a time-out in the first place by practicing self-care and setting aside time to unwind before things get too stressful.

Self-care helps us be better versions of ourselves—more productive, healthier people who are ready for whatever life throws at us. Self-care means taking care of yourself by doing things that make you feel good: eating well, getting enough sleep and exercise, spending time with friends and family… whatever makes YOU feel good! Self-care also means planning ahead so that when things do get overwhelming or stressful (they will), you'll be prepared with an arsenal of ways to help yourself stay grounded and calm when those feelings start creeping up on you.

You've been working hard. You deserve a break. 

Here are some tips to help you prevent a time-out:

Put yourself on the schedule! It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, and when you do, it can be hard to see the forest for the trees—or even take care of yourself. But making sure your physical and mental health are a priority will reduce the need for a time-out. Include exercise, rest, personal care, and time off in your schedule. Chances are if you schedule time for these activities, you’ll make them a priority and reduce the likelihood you’ll become overwhelmed.

Know what triggers you. Everyone has certain things that test them and cause them stress. Learning what triggers you have and finding coping mechanisms will help. Spend time determining what your triggers are and find alternatives that help you feel calm.

Some of the most common triggers are:

-A change in schedule (e.g., not getting enough sleep)

-Being around certain people (e.g., family members or friends with whom there is conflict)

-Having too much on your plate at once (e.g., trying to get everything done before a deadline)

Learn to Let Go of Control. We're all guilty of trying to control things that we can't control sometimes. It's in our nature to want to feel like we have a handle on everything.

But sometimes, the more we try to control something, the more it seems to slip through our fingers. And that can lead to stress and overwhelm—and even a time-out!

If you find yourself trying to control everything around you, try this: Do one thing at a time, and let go of the rest. Focus on one task at hand, then move on to the next one. Don't try to do everything at once!

Develop your sense of humor. A good sense of humor can be a lifesaver. When things get tough, it's easy to take things too seriously and get wrapped up in the seriousness of the situation. Finding a better sense of humor can help bring the intensity down a notch or two. Watch a funny movie, take in some stand-up comedy shows, or do something that makes you laugh out loud.

A good sense of humor can be a lifesaver. When things get tough, it's easy to take things too seriously and get wrapped up in the seriousness of the situation. Laughter is a great way to get out of that headspace, and if you can't find anything in your life to laugh at, you can always rely on some stand-up comedy or a funny movie.

I love funny movies because they are fun and entertaining, but I also believe there is something therapeutic about laughing at something silly. Laughing at yourself and your mistakes is one of the best ways to heal from them. Watching a comedy show or doing something else that makes you laugh out loud can help improve your mood and outlook on life.

Eat healthy and stop bad habits. We all have bad habits. The key is to find ways to replace those habits with something productive and healthy. The way you eat can have a big effect on how often and intensely you have meltdowns.

Eating too much processed food that is high in salt, fat, and sugar can leave you feeling sluggish. Smoking, drinking, or even activities like excess gaming can also drain your energy and make it harder to manage everyday life. Eat well by replacing bad habits with productive ones to reduce the need for a time-out.

Eating well is the key to feeling good, but it can be hard to know what to eat. Here are some tips:

-Eat whole foods and avoid processed foods, which can leave you feeling sluggish.

-Drink plenty of water, especially if you're feeling moody or irritable.

-If you find yourself getting tired quickly during the day, try adding more plant foods like beans and lentils to your diet—they're full of fiber and will help keep your energy up!

A lot of people feel like they're being pulled in a million directions at once, and that leads to a lot of stress. Whether it's work, home, or school, there are always more things to do than you can possibly do in one day. And when you're feeling stressed out because of all the stuff on your plate? You might need a time-out.

But don't wait until you're losing it to take a time-out—a good time-out is a great tool for overwhelm, but it could be prevented. Many issues that cause the need for a time-out could be avoided or managed by getting a handle on what’s causing your stress. Use these tips to help you and you’ll reduce the need for time-out altogether.



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