
Could Your Life Be Cluttered by Unnecessary Things?

Jul 04, 2023

Have you ever sat down and thought about all the things in your life that are unnecessary? If you're like most people, you probably haven't even thought about it. But the truth is, we all have things in our lives that we think are necessary but actually aren't. And those things can clutter up our lives and make us feel overwhelmed and stressed out.

But what if there was a way to declutter your life so that it's more organized and less stressful? What if there was a way to get rid of all those unnecessary things in your life once and for all? Well, there is! And it's called "asking help from God."

Let me explain: when someone asks for help from God, they are saying that they need something more than they currently have—and this means that they will be willing to give up some of their own power or control in order to receive what they need. This kind of decluttering is vital because it allows us to stop trying so hard on our own and instead let God do what He wants with our lives.

Life Gets Cluttered by Unnecessary Things

Life is hard, but it doesn't have to be.

We all want to live our best lives, but sometimes we can get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life that we don't even realize when we've lost sight of what's really important.

When you feel like the clutter is getting out of hand, take some time to pray about it. If you don't know how to do that, here are some ways to start:

-Think about how you want your life to be—what kind of things would make you happy?

-Then think about what isn't making you happy right now and get rid of those things!

-Ask God for help getting rid of those things, or ask Him for a new way to use them in your life if they're not bad enough for the trash yet.

What Overwhelm Feels Like

When you feel overwhelmed, it's easy to get lost in a sea of tasks and responsibilities—even if they're all important. You might start to feel like there's no way out. That feeling is normal and common when you're overscheduled or dealing with a lot of change in your life. But if it's interfering with your ability to function normally and enjoy life, then it's time to take action!

To help you stay on track, we've included some easy tips to keep in mind.

1) Don't overschedule yourself. It's easy to think that if you squeeze more things into your day, you'll get more done and feel accomplished. But overscheduling yourself can actually make you less productive since it's hard for your brain to juggle all the information at once.

2) Take time for yourself every day. We know it sounds cheesy, but it works! Set aside a few minutes each day to do something just for you—no work or chores allowed! Whether it's reading a book or taking a walk around the block, make sure you're prioritizing your mental health by giving yourself some downtime so that when you go back to work, you can give 100%.

3) Try not to compare yourself to others. It's easy to look at other people's lives and feel like they have everything figured out while we're stuck in our own rut—but that's not true! Everyone has their own journey—and sometimes those journeys are longer than others—but they're all important and worth celebrating just as much as anyone else's journey is.

You Can Choose What Matters Most

That's right, you heard it here first: You get to decide what's important in your life.

There are some things we all have to do—we must pay our bills, feed our kids, and do laundry. But there are probably a lot of elements in life that aren't necessary, and you don't have to do them anymore if they're too much of a burden.

If volunteering for that committee used to be something you could do because you had extra time and energy on your hands, but now that you have kids and are knee-deep in laundry and overstimulation, maybe it's time to step back from those commitments. But remember that God always provides and with God nothing is impossible!

Ask God's Help to Rid of the Clutters in Your Life

Take time to really consider what’s cluttering your life. It may be time to purge belongings, commitments, relationships, etc… Prioritizing what matters most can help you eliminate what doesn’t matter. Learning to identify when something is unnecessary can change the amount of freedom and personal satisfaction you have every day.

When you start pulling away from people who don’t add value to your life, it allows you to focus on those who do. When you stop taking on tasks that don’t benefit anything but your ego, it allows you to focus on those things that make a difference in the world. When you stop spending money on things that don’t help improve your life or someone else's life, then you are able to spend money on things that do!

The Bible says: “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” (Proverbs 29:18). What does this mean for us? If we don't have goals or dreams for our lives and where we want our lives to go, then we won't have anything worth holding onto! 


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