
Basic Steps to Reprioritize What Really Matters

Jul 11, 2023

When you're feeling overwhelmed in life, it can be difficult to remember what's really important. It can be tempting to just say "yes" to every little thing that comes your way, but that's not sustainable. If you want to make sure you're doing the best for yourself and your loved ones, it's time for some serious reflection on what matters most.

To help you get started, here are the 6 basic steps to reprioritize and determine where you want to put your focus:

Step 1: Let go of expectations

We all have the same 24 hours in a day. So how is it that some people seem to accomplish so much more than others?

It's because they've figured out what really matters to them, and they prioritize accordingly.

The good news is, you can do the same thing—no matter where you are in life.

It’s possible that you may be focused on what you feel you should be doing rather than what your true priorities are. Assess what activities and commitments you have and whether they are based on your top priorities. Ask yourself whether you are doing things because you want to, have to, or someone else expects you to.

Instead of getting caught up in expectations, take some time to reflect on what activities and commitments are based on your top priorities. Ask yourself whether these activities are really important or if they're just something other people want from you. When it comes down to it, it's important to remember that nobody else can set your priorities for you—only YOU know what matters most!

Step 2: Determine your priorities

Life is full of surprises. But the one thing that you can always count on is that your priorities are going to shift. You might have had a plan for your life and then suddenly find yourself with a new baby, or a new job opportunity, or an unexpected move.

You need to be able to make changes to accommodate those shifts—and that means being able to prioritize what matters most in your life right now, and for the foreseeable future.

So ask yourself these questions: What are my goals? What do I want to accomplish?

It's important to be honest with yourself about these things before they happen so that when they do happen, you'll have something concrete that you can work toward!

Step 3: Get real about clutter

Clutter isn't just physical. It's also mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Do you have too many commitments? Too many excuses? Too many things to do and not enough time? Do you feel like you're running around in circles, trying to keep up with everything that's expected of you, but feeling like there's no way out?

If so, it might be time for a little decluttering. We're not talking about the kind of decluttering where you throw away all your junk or sell off your house—not yet! But we ARE talking about getting real with yourself about what is cluttering up your life and making it hard for you to live in alignment with your goals. Do you need to sort through your belongings and minimalize your home? Do you need to break free from unnecessary activities that don't align with your goals?

So what do we do about it? Well, for starters, let's get real about what is cluttering up our lives. Maybe it's time to sort through your belongings and minimalize your home. Maybe it's time to break free from unnecessary activities that don't align with your goals. Maybe it's time to get real with yourself about how you're spending your time and energy—and if those things are working for you or against you.

You deserve more than just a clean house (or mind). You deserve to live a life that feels good on every level—and you can start by getting real with yourself about what is cluttering up your life right now and making room for something better!

Step 4: Acknowledge your values

Your values drive your behaviors. When your activities of daily living align with your values, it’s much easier to maintain your energy and feel good about your commitments. Be sure there’s not friction between your values and priorities.

Your values are what you believe in and act upon—they are the principles that guide you in making decisions and taking action. For example, if one of your core values is “creativity,” then you might try to incorporate creativity into everything that you do. You might do things like seek out opportunities for creative expression at work, or bring an artistic flair to everyday tasks like grocery shopping or cleaning the house.

The first step in aligning your activities with your values is to identify what matters most to you as an individual. This can be done by thinking about what makes you feel good about yourself and what motivates you towards success. Once these things have been identified, then it is easier to make changes in how you live so that they become more consistent with what matters most.

Step 5: Prioritize YOU

When you prioritize yourself, you are taking time to care for your physical, mental, and emotional health. Self-care can include things like getting enough sleep each night, eating nutritious meals, and exercising regularly. It can also simply be about taking a break from work to do something that brings you joy like reading a book or watching your favorite show on Netflix.

Self-love is about accepting yourself for who you are as an individual. When you love yourself, you can set boundaries with others so that your needs are met without feeling guilty or selfish. You will be more likely to feel confident in yourself when you know how to take care of yourself properly so that your body and mind are healthy.

Here are some few tips you can do:

1. Make time for what you need. Whether it's going for a walk in nature or taking a nap, find the time that works best for your body and schedule it in! It will be worth it in the long run.

2. Don't feel guilty about it! Sometimes we need to let go of things we enjoy doing with other people in order to take care of ourselves first. Don't make excuses like "I don't have time," or "I'll do it later." Just do it!

3. Recognize your accomplishments! When was the last time someone told you how great your work is? How about how proud they are of everything that's happened since they agreed to work with you on this project together? Let them know how much their support means by thanking them specifically instead of just saying "thanks!"

Step 6: Create Habit

When you're overwhelmed, it's easy to feel like you don't have enough time in the day. But one of the biggest reasons people feel this way is that they're not consistent in the things they do and don't do. If you want to feel less stressed and more productive, one of the best things you can do is develop habits that help you reach your goals.

Habits are a powerful way to make sure you get things done without having to think about them—and when it comes down to it, we only have so much mental energy. By making sure all your daily tasks are part of your routine, you can free up space for what's really important!

The first step in creating good habits is figuring out what those habits should be. You'll want to choose habits that align with your values and goals so they don't feel like work. It may sound simple, but many people don't realize how important it is to choose positive habits over negative ones until they try it themselves!


It's normal to feel like you’re on autopilot trying to get everything done when you aren’t sure what your priorities are. Taking time to reprioritize and focus on what really matters most can help you stop running in every direction and use your energy wisely.

Stopping, sitting down, and taking a few deep breaths is a great place to start! It can be hard to take time for yourself when there is so much going on, but it's important to make sure that you are taking care of yourself before taking care of others.

Tune in on our next blog series: Simple Ways to Make Your Life More Intentional


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