
Letting Go of Yesterday

Jan 12, 2023

We've all heard the phrase, "let go and let God." But do we really know what that means? And how does it apply to our lives today?

Letting go of yesterday is not about denying the past or pretending it never happened. It's about letting go of the negative emotions and experiences that keep us from moving forward in life—and finding healing through forgiveness and reconciliation with God.

We must learn to let go of yesterday so we can live in today!

Watch what you are putting into your mind and heart

Watch what you are putting into your mind and heart. The words, images, and thoughts that are going through your head have a direct impact on how you feel and how you will react to situations and people. If something negative is being put into the mind over and over again, it can cause feelings of sadness, anger or resentment. If something positive is being put into the mind over and over again then it will increase feelings of hope, happiness or possibility. It is better to focus on things we want in our lives rather than things that are not working for us because when we focus on what we don't want; all we see is more evidence supporting this concept!

In order to get free, you have to see where the chains are

Be aware of your own thoughts, feelings and actions. Be aware of other people’s actions and responses toward you as well. Be aware of things you do in your life, things that happen around you and around others in your life (for example: i am writing this blog post).

Move past the pain

A key component of moving forward is learning how to let go of yesterday.

Letting go does not mean that you forget the past, but rather that you can see it clearly without being weighed down by it. If you are experiencing pain from your past, there is no reason to wallow in that pain or allow it to hold you back from experiencing happiness today. Letting go will help clear your mind and give room for new memories and experiences as a way for your life story to continue evolving into something even better than before.

Know that it's okay to move on

Once you've realized that it's okay to move on, you can start working on letting go of the past. If a relationship didn't work out or if something happened that was painful and difficult, remember that it's not your fault and there's nothing wrong with moving on.

It may be helpful for you to get a better understanding of what happened so that you can understand why things didn't work out. If this is the case, try talking about it with someone close to you or one of our counselors at [OUR SERVICE].

Stop trying to control the outcome

Your past is what it is, and you can’t change it. It doesn’t matter how many times you replay your mistakes in your head or try to make sense of them, they will still exist regardless of how much energy you put into figuring out why they happened. The only thing that matters now is what happens next — so stop wasting time thinking about the past and focus on creating a better future!

Stop trying to change yourself or others (including children). You don't have any control over another person's actions anyway, so why bother? Instead of spending hours worrying about someone else's behavior, use that time for something productive instead! Learn something new, go outside and get some fresh air, or talk with friends who have similar interests as yourself.

Stop trying to figure out what other people think about you or whether others approve of your decisions; just live the life YOU want without worrying about anyone else but yourself! The only way for people not related directly by blood lines within one group called family members would be if we lived together 24/7 365 days per year every year for decades before retirement age then died peacefully side-by-side after watching grandkids grow up together from infancy all throughout childhood onto adulthood (if possible). In addition - there could possibly be more than one such group if we counted distant relatives like cousins several times removed at best once removed twice removed thrice removed etcetera ad infinitum until reaching infinity...or until reaching an infinite number after which point infinity begins again."

Don't get stuck in yesterday

Yesterday is a memory, it's gone and done with. Don't let it define you or your future. You can't change what happened yesterday, so why not use it as a lesson to learn from and move on? Let go of the pain that's been brought by the past, and focus on moving forward.

What do you think of when you hear the phrase, "let go and let God"?

When you hear the phrase “let go and let God,” what do you think of?

Letting go can be a painful process. Think back to when you were first separated from your mother or father. How did it feel? Even though it was only for a few hours, the separation was enough to make your heart ache with worry and sadness. You may have cried or gotten angry at someone for taking away the person who made you feel safe and loved.

That feeling is similar to what many people experience when they're trying to move forward from something in their past. When they try to leave behind an event that caused them pain, anger or sadness—such as losing a loved one—they are often met with feelings such as fear, guilt or regret instead of happiness and peace.

In order to "let go", we allow God to change our minds

Letting go is a process, not an event. It does not mean forgetting what happened in the past; rather it means letting God change your mind about how you should feel about the situation and how you should respond to it now. When we try to pretend that something didn't happen or that life will be better if we forget about it, we are only fooling ourselves and denying ourselves of peace.

It might be painful at first but once you start thinking freely and boldly about your circumstances without allowing history's faulty conclusions hold sway over them anymore (Romans 8:1), then truly letting go becomes possible! You see with new eyes and hear with new ears as well as feel differently inside than before because now He's been allowed into those places where only pain existed before His arrival there too!

Letting go of yesterday requires a pardon of sorts

You must forgive yourself for any wrong-doing or mistakes you may have made, especially if they are causing you to feel shame or guilt. You also need to accept that as human beings we all make mistakes, so it is not your fault that something happened in the past.

To truly let go of yesterday and be able to move on with your life today, you must forgive others for anything they did or said that hurt your feelings in any way; it is not their fault either! Next, ask God for forgiveness for this same thing--it's only fair since he knows everything about everyone anyway! Finally, forgive yourself again because while some things are out of our control (like being born into bad circumstances), many other things are not (like how hard we try at school).

Because we are judged by what we know, letting go can be scary

We might feel like we are letting go of our security, control and identity. We may even worry that people won't respect us anymore if we let go of the past.

We must also let go of self-judgment

Self-judgment is a form of manipulation, and it is a form of emotional abuse. It is also sin. When we judge ourselves by our past mistakes, we are not allowing ourselves to be free from those mistakes. We must forgive ourselves and allow God to take over our lives and heal us on a daily basis so that we can go forward with no more baggage than necessary!

A "yesterday" mindset can lead to a self-justifying heart

It's not always easy to let go of yesterday, and that's because it can be hard to know when you've truly moved on from something. The past may be something that you're constantly thinking about, but if you want to move forward with your life and grow as a person, you need to let go of the past and focus on what lies ahead.

The first step in letting go of yesterday is realizing that there is nothing you can do about it now. You can't change the fact that something happened; all you can do is choose how you'll approach it moving forward. The best thing for your future self would be for her not be haunted by her past mistakes or other people's actions.

What happens when we try and explain ourselves?

When we try and explain ourselves, we are not listening to the Holy Spirit. We are trying to make sense of something that is not logical. We are trying to find a reason for why we did what we did, or wanted to do it in the first place. We are justifying our actions.

It is not about your past but about what God is going to do through you in the future!

Letting go of yesterday is not about forgetting the past. It is about giving God the opportunity to change your future. He alone can change your past, give you a new tomorrow and make you whole in Him.God can change your heart; He can change your mind; He can give you a new perspective on every situation in life!

Letting go of yesterday is not about the past. It's about what God is going to do through you in the future!


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