
How to Do Meaningful Work

Mar 21, 2021


Do you ever wonder how good are you at work? Or does it have a meaning in your life or to others? People may tend to look that working is only to provide for their everyday. As a Christian we also have church activities to attend to. The weekend come and goes and it is an everyday cycle we experience, and it has never change.

Whether you’re a pastor, teacher, doctor, businessman, or stay-at-home mom, work is connected in God’s good creation, and reflect to his glory. As mentioned in Genesis 2:15 The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 

What is good in finding a meaning through work is that God will always be able to give back in return of your good work. It may be something that we eagerly pray for or a simple blessing that we can earn.

How do you work for your company? Do you work for them as you would for Jesus? It’s easy for our eyes of faith to become reflective at work, and forget who it is we work for. Every people has a desire to find meaning in their work, whether that is a 9-5 schedule or you’re engaged in the exceptionally important work of raising your children at home.


God is Working Through You

God is doing his work in your life and through your life in more ways than you can imagine. Sometimes we may not see thoroughly on how can it benefit others in what we do, but know that Jesus has chosen to act through your skills and experience for the good of others.

Galatian 6:10 says, ''Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers''.

Building a good work habit and character today can help us prepare for working and serving in God's awaiting Kingdom. As Christians we all wanted be called us good and faithful servant and with that we have to do a great and meaningful work while we are in the physical world.  

Let us greatly appreciate God's ultimate purpose for work and understand for whom we are really working. Ecclesiastes 9:10 says ‘’Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom.’’


Working For Greatness

Work done well brings us a sense of personal accomplishment as we put our God-given talents and abilities in use. When we help others by working, it becomes a way to serve them.

When a carpenter builds a home he is a blessing in making a home for a family. When a teacher educates his students well is a blessing to them so they can have a bright future. When a chef cooks delicious foods is a blessing to his customers. In these examples, the worker is likely experiencing the joy and happiness that comes from doing his work which produce something great that benefits other people.

Having a biblical view about work doesn’t guarantee us in getting our every needs. Only God can do that. However, through work, we can experience the sensation of being used to further God’s plan to bring blessing for us and those around us.

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

— Colossians 3:23-24 NIV

This passage in Colossians comes from one of the most favorite chapters in Paul’s letters. It’s easy to give unexceptional effort when the only focus is to get something done, but God cares much more about our hearts and he wanted us to have a meaningful work.



Blessed to Be a Blessing

Having the right attitude and consistency will help us stand out in our work. It is satisfying to know that you are a blessing to others knowing that you have helped them in a big way.  

Let us continue to be grateful on what we have right now and find a way in blessing other people. Like in this pandemic times, a lot of people needs help and by joining a charity in packing up food packages or volunteering to aid the elderly will be such a great work to do.

God created work for all of us because it will bless us and others as well. How do you know you are working meaningfully?  Share you thoughts in the comment section below.


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