
Viewing Heaven When Hell's on Earth

earth great white throne heaven hell judgement Apr 20, 2023
You Ministries
Viewing Heaven When Hell's on Earth


As we read that the time is now here to “destroy those who destroy the earth”. This refers to both man and Satan. John will soon tell us of the destruction of some of these destroyers, specifically: Babylon, the Beast, the false prophet, and Satan.


Hi everyone, I’m Tammy Becker.  Welcome to the Almighty God & Gospel Girl Podcast.  This is week seventeen into our series of Revelation and our podcast today is titled: Viewing Heaven When Hell’s on Earth.   My podcast today will be based on the reading of Revelation 11:15-19.  And if you would like to follow along with the notes or maybe you would like to find the links to anything mentioned in the podcast today, you can go to the link in the description or by visiting www.youministries.com and visiting the corresponding page.  As we get started today, I would like to remind you of my disclaimer, that as always…do not take my word, or anyone’s word for what you read…get yourself in the Bible and let God discern His Word to you.  I am only human and make many mistakes and do not claim to know or understand everything in the Bible…I just hope by bringing out this study that your interest is sparked enough to get into God’s Word and begin to deep dive on your own.

John’s revelation continues to unfold future events on earth as God reveals them to him in his vision. The scene John saw next was in heaven.

In the middle of all the woes and judgments of the Tribulation, God inserts here an encouragement for the Christians left on the earth. Most of those who have turned to Jesus Christ for salvation have been martyred, and those who are sealed must continue on earth through these intense days. God now gives them a glimpse of glory so they’ll know His promised rescue is coming.

“Then the seventh angel sounded [the trumpet] …” (v. 15). This event is so important to understanding the rest of the book, that it deserves a pause. In God’s program, this chapter brings us chronologically to the breathtaking entrance of eternity where the mystery of God finally is revealed. The Holy Spirit now summarizes events that lead us as far as Revelation 21 where eternity begins. This broad outline ushers us to the door of eternity.

At the opening of the seventh seal, there is silence in heaven. Then, immediately after the seventh trumpet sounds, “loud voices in heaven” begin to sing. All of God’s created intelligences in the whole host of heaven can see the end now and are jubilant in anticipation of evil’s end so close at hand. It’s a time of great joy for them. “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever” (v. 15).

Today, the kingdoms of this world are under Satan and he rules them as one kingdom. The totality of civilization and society of which men boast self improvement but which becomes more godless and wicked each day, is a condemned civilization moving toward judgment. Christ Jesus will depose the satanically-energized world rulers who have prevailed for so long, Satan’s kingdom will crumble and be delivered to the Lord Jesus Christ to rule. Revelation 19 will unpack the details of this upset when the Lord Jesus puts down rebellion. The seventh trumpet moves us along, step by step, toward eternity.

This revelation of God’s Kingdom come causes the 24 elders sitting before God on their thrones to fall on their faces in worship. They sing, “We give You thanks, O Lord God Almighty, the One who is and who was and who is to come, because You have taken Your great power and reigned” (v. 17). They praise God that finally He will take His rightful place. Until now God had allowed powers hostile to His people to control the earth, but now He will begin to rule directly. Their adoration then causes the church in heaven to worship and celebrate the coming of Christ to the earth. This will at last be the answer to our pr But even as worship fills the halls of heaven, rebellion still sweeps the earth. The nations are filled with rage at God’s judgment, revealing how man’s stubborn rebellion will continue to the very end. They’ve believed the lie that God doesn’t judge sin and think we only get better every day—while, actually, we just get worse. ayer, “Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10).

But even as worship fills the halls of heaven, rebellion still sweeps the earth. The nations are filled with rage at God’s judgment, revealing how man’s stubborn rebellion will continue to the very end. They’ve believed the lie that God doesn’t judge sin and think we only get better every day—while, actually, we just get worse.

As part of this summary, we learn that the dead then will be judged for their sin at the Great White Throne judgment (see Revelation 20:11-15). God will judge sin righteously and reward the faithful graciously. The Old Testament saints and Tribulation saints will stand before Him and be rewarded for their faith as the kingdom begins. The church has already stood before the Lord at the Bema Seat and received the crowns they wear on their heads (we’ve seen them on the 24 elders).

And then in summary, we read that the time is now here to “destroy those who destroy the earth” (v. 18). This refers to both man and Satan (see 1 Peter 5:8). John will soon tell us of the destruction of some of these destroyers, specifically: Babylon, the Beast, the false prophet, and Satan.

The next scene we see ushers us to the glad gate of eternity. The doors of God’s temple in heaven fly open, and the Ark of His Covenant is clearly seen surrounded by flashes of lightning and thunder, an earthquake, and a fierce hailstorm.

When God’s temple is opened, it means God now is ready to deal with Israel—He opens up access to Himself and receives their worship. He is a covenant-making and covenant-keeping God. His ark is the reminder of His faithfulness, presence, and atonement of Israel. What John saw was not the earthly ark—but its heavenly counterpart (see Hebrews 9:24). God shows it to us now as a sign that He will soon fulfill His covenant promises to Israel. Now He will make a New Covenant with them, writing the Law in their hearts instead of on cold tablets of stone (see Jeremiah 31:31-34; Hebrews 8:8-13).

Revelation 11 opens with the measuring of the temple on earth and closes with the opening of the temple in heaven. It summarizes for us what will be revealed in detail in Revelation 16—19.

Next week we will be meeting the seven cast members in the final conflict of the age-old drama between good and evil


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