
Don't Let Your Mind Become Your Prison

bibleverses god jesus mind prayer prison Mar 24, 2020

Don't Let Your Mind Become Your Prison

Are you one of us people who pray to God when you need a new job, or when you’re buying a new house, when someone is sick or maybe you just pray when the any need arises?   Do you expect God to answer you immediately?  In your timing?  If you can answer yes to any of those questions than your mind could possibly be your prison in terms of answered prayer.

When I Wonder if God Always Answers Prayer

There was a time in my life  when I wondered if God always answers prayer.  Being a believer since childhood, I have seen firsthand the answered prayers in my life.  However as I grew older and life came in with blows to the face and I began to pray,  pray, and more pray, so many of my prayers seemed to be unanswered. I became a prisoner in my own mind.  I would cling to the word, and the word states that God hears his people.  Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

I Want a Yes

So I don't know about you, but I want a yes when I pray!  But the question could be, does God want a yes?  All too often I get tunnel vision for my ambition in what I am wanting and not taking the proper time to meditate on the idea that this might not be in God's plan for me.  Sometimes "I" not "God" have the best idea in America...guess what happens?  Your right, I fail!  I once again became a prisoner in my own mind and did not listen nor ask God if this is what he has planned for me.

God's Timing

God has always had a plan for your life from the minute you were conceived.  The bible teaches us to lean into God, trust in his word, and let him do the work.  God's timing is just that, God's timing.  We all need to pray for God to grant us humility in understanding that we will sometimes get a no or a not now.  Just like a parent and a child, when a parent tells the child no it is for a reason right!  When God tells his children (us) no, it's for a reason, is it not?  Knowing what is best for our lives can only come from the one who created us.  So why do we not trust that He has our best interest when He does not answer our prayers in our time or maybe not at all?  Because we are a prisoner in our own mind.

Because He Bends Down to Listen

Learning to have faith and trust that God's answer is always based on what He knows is best for us.  We should expect to receive a "yes" but also to receive a "no."  We must learn to guard misinterpretation that He does not care about us or that He might be ignoring us and learn to pray for sensitivity and growth in spiritual wisdom.  "I love the LORD because he hears my voice and my prayer for mercy.  Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!"  Psalm 116:1-2

Sometimes God Doesn't Change Your Situation

Sometimes God doesn’t change your situation, because He’s trying to change your heart.  Have you ever looked back on a prayer that you thought was in your best interest and later on when the situation that you prayed about went unanswered, but even though it was a NO from God, the outcome was way better and you're glad He took care of it His way?  Just like the words in Garth Brooks song; "Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers, be careful when your talking to the man upstairs, just because he doesn't answer doesn't mean he don't care, some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers!"

God is The Alpha and the Omega

God is the alpha and the omega; he knows your story before you do.  God wants to connect with you spiritually.  Get down on your knees literally and go to that quiet place with the LORD, become intimately connected.  If prayer feels awkward, just talk with Him like your talking to your friend.  Be still, listen, confess your sins, ask for forgiveness.  Let God know you want the good gifts that is promised  Let it go, give your needs fully to him and let our Master do his job.  He knows the precise timing; he knows exactly what the outcome will be.  So give it up my friends and be free from your mind prison and let God take the wheel.

In Closing, Jesus Said

Jesus said, "Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for.  Keep on seeking, and you will find.  Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks, receives.  Everyone who seeks, finds.  And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened to you.  You parents-if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead?  Or if they ask for a fish, do you give them a snake?  Of course not!  So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him."  Matthew 7:7-11


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