
Finding Peace in A Chaotic and Dysfunctional World Amid the Covid 19 Pandemic

chaotic peace Aug 28, 2020


 Finding Peace


Webster’s dictionary defines “peace” as the following:

  • Freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions.
  • A state of tranquility or quiet.


Before you can find a state of peace, you must first understand the meaning of the definition, by breaking down the definition “word by word.” So, let’s determine what the words are telling you, so you may be clear on “the meaning” of each word within the definition.


Freedom:  The quality or state of being free: such as the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action.

Disquieting:  Causing anxiety, worry, mental anguish and trouble.

Oppressive:  Mental pressure or distress.

Thoughts:  The action or process of thinking.

Emotions:  A conscious mental reaction as in anger or fear.

Tranquility:  Calm state without noise.

Quiet:  Characterized by an absence of turbulent disturbance.


As is seen, the opposite of peace is quite alarming.  People are fighting their thoughts and emotions every minute, every hour and every day. This is psychological immobility.  Within the mind, there is no room for peace.  There is a definite constraint upon the thought. Can you imagine what it must feel like to wage a war of continuing mental distress, turbulent disturbance and constant anguish?  What a tremendous amount of mental weight to hold.


Peace is essential for happiness. If your emotions are constantly in mental reaction, instead of being proactive, you encourage a continuum of unease.  You wake with a blanket of heaviness, and close your eyes knowing the morning offers no relief. Sadly, this cycle will repeat itself, because our spirit becomes broken and unable to defend itself.


Where does our spirit find its center amidst the mental disarray and immobility? How can the cycle be broken when the thoughts are colliding with an unseen force that seems visible? Why can’t any movement within our spirit be felt? Why does it appear to be so difficult to regain grounding within our soul? How does our spirit gain peace?


Is there a simple answer or a solution that applies to everyone? Absolutely! The answer is God.  God call provide us with all the peace we need, even when we think it is impossible. However, there are a few actions that we can take to help ourselves along the way, to assist our souls  in regaining  their natural position of peace.


Actionable Steps:


  1. Close your eyes and take a SLOW DEEP breath through your nose and release SLOWLY through your mouth. Feel your breath as you inhale and exhale. As you are releasing your breath, focus solely on your breathing and nothing else. Allow yourself to experience the breathing as it expands your chest and empties it.


  1. After completing the breathing technique, keep your eyes closed and “feel” how you are “feeling.” Remain with the feeling for as long as needed. Pay close attention to what comes up for you. Is it true? Does it make sense? Is it a new feeling or the reoccurrence of a similar feeling? Is it a happy or sad feeling? Whatever the feeling is, ALLOW YOURSELF to feel it. Don’t dismiss what you are feeling.


  1. Open your eyes when you are ready and remain seated as you continue to reflect on what you have experienced. How are you feeling now? Did any feelings arise which were familiar or unknown? Were they feelings of fear, guilt, self-loathing, grief or anger? Were the feelings attached to past experiences that should have been long forgotten or feelings that were unknown? Don’t discount any feeling that arises as it may hold a key to releasing your spirit and soul and allowing you to pray specifically to God for deliverance and peace.


  1. Now you must ask yourself an important question and it must be answered with honesty? Is forgiveness toward yourself or others a long outstanding issue with you? Starting with yourself; what do you need to forgive yourself for? Have you made mistakes that you have determined DEFINE who you are? Do you continually regurgitate that poison upon yourself? If the forgiveness needs to be directed toward someone else, what do you need to do to forgive them? The reality of it being you or someone else; is that you have no freedom of movement within your spirit. Remember, forgiveness, doesn’t mean forgetting. However, doing nothing doesn’t keep the mental anguish at a distance.  Jesus paid the ultimate price for us so that we may be forgiven, we to must forgive one another, and ourselves.  Check out our forgiveness challenge below.


  1. Close your eyes again and ask yourself the following: What does peace look AND feel like to you? Are you free of the nagging problem that hampers you? Did the anxiety dissipate? Did your spirit for a few seconds feel at peace? Was there any turbulence? Did you experience a sense of freedom for a moment? Was it peaceful for those few seconds?


  1. Now that you have caught a glimpse of what peace feels like, what can you do to begin experiencing more of your peace? Yes, it may take a few days, a few months or years before full peace is restored. However, you MUST BEGIN to regain your center with God. What can you contribute to your well being; that will allow you to live a life of peace? What tiny steps can you make that will begin to set you free? What commitment will you make to yourself that will remain unbroken? What are you willing to do to make peace your constant companion?


Self-pity is a dangerous partner. It encourages you to remain negative. If self-pity has no partner, it will move on to someone else. Self-pity cannot exist with a peaceful soul or spirit. It will leave to find someone else, as self-pity knows there are billions of other souls that are willing to entertain her. Remember, you are not the only person in your position. With self-pity it isn’t personal; merely opportunity.


The final and most important question: What are you willing to do to regain your peace? Notice the word “regain” was used instead of “find” your peace. I’m certain you understand why. Peace is never lost and doesn’t need to be found. Peace always remains with you if God lives in your life and patiently waits for your return.  Peace knows that you feel constrained, spiritually turbulent, anxious, and full of mental anguish.


However, peace waits because she knows that God gives you peace when asked and you are peace and peace is you. Peace is solitude and solitude is you. Peace is freedom and freedom is you. Try as hard as you can each day to remain with God. Close your eyes and feel Him in your heart. Peace is always with you and always will be as long as you seek God each day and ask for it in every situation.


Tammy Becker

Founder of You Ministries







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